Honors Program Shines at National Conference
Students in our Honors Program traveled to Baltimore earlier this month for a National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference that afforded them valuable opportunities to present their research, network, and learn from peers at other colleges. It was a great experience by all accounts, with approximately 570 attendees from across the region. The conference was extra special for our students this year, as it was led by our very own Professor Kathryn MacDonald, who did everything from pick the overall theme to selecting the speakers and running the conference sessions. We had seven Honors students present their research at the conference. They were: Glenniqua Hazel, Jadisa Lewis, Parina Lotlikar, Tajay Marshall, Arianna Perez, Alya Roach, and Diana Tenesaca. Chantel Bunting attended as a Student Representative on the NRHC Executive Board. Student Ambassador Xarielle Blanchette also attended, as did Professor Bruce Wigutow.